Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moving Right Along

Well I don't even know how to describe THAT hiatus. 

Usually when I return to this space after a while, it's a cheerful thing. I was hoping this would be the same. Unfortunately, the crisis that drew me away has not resolved neatly. It’s a family member’s illness, more complicated than was immediately obvious; there have been hospitals, doctors, sleepless nights, re-shuffling of which children live where. By this point it’s a matter of adapting to the new normal. So, I can’t just avoid blogging because there’s a Giant Emergency going on. Call it Chronic Mild-To-Moderate Upheaval. I will pick up in a different place and start again.  

(For the Trifecta, there is actually an upside to this saga: one more important person in our lives is in the loop, so the closet is almost obsolete.) 

The challenge is to keep all the focus from being always on the Upheaval, because that skews our sense of what’s important. I try to be mindful, in a moment of decision or anguish: will this matter tomorrow? In a week? In a month? In a year? Five years on? Sometimes even if the answer is “not one bit”, my emotional self does not care. But it’s worth at least checking, in case sanity is an available option. 

Depending on the day of the week, it might be only one of the three of us who has access to sanity. I’m extra grateful lately, for those shining moments.

For example: this year Chloe took matters into her own hands when it came time to find a Valentine’s card. There being only two owls on the cutest card in the store, she carefully fashioned a third owl almost identical to the originals, hanging it upside down on the same branch. Beautiful. To me it reflects how we’re all MacGyvering this whole thing as we go along.