Wednesday, February 23, 2011


If I ever find myself upset over, confused by, or concerned about Missy or Red, I am lucky enough to have the other to confide in.

I am new, and they are not.  They know each other like a hand knows a glove.  At times (i.e., when I'm feeling sorry for myself) it's a lonely place to be...but I am discovering that I am in an overwhelmingly unique and covetous position when it comes to insight.

I have learned that many of my concerns over either Red or Missy (their ups and downs, their likes or dislikes, their worries and woes) can usually be quickly and easily explained by the other.  I now understand how fortunate I am in that respect.

No one knows ME like that.

I recognize that the two of them are at a distinct disadvantage for that very reason.

Neither of them has any sort of road map or instruction manual to help them understand ME (of course I think I'm the easiest person in the world to understand...which makes it true, right?)!  My moods are new, my insights (or lack thereof) are unusual, my ups and downs are unpredictable and probably irrational to them.  In that respect, I am a mystery.

I'm not sure what any of it means - I only wanted to make note of it. I will continue to endeavor to be the most transparent and honest, loving and giving, open and devoted partner possible so that I can be an effective third axis of the Trifecta. 

Maybe someday I will be known.  Maybe someday one of them will be able to explain me to the other...or to MYSELF, for that matter.  Please let that happen.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I stand corrected.

(Though I will point out that this is American Greetings, not Hallmark. Still -- good job, Red.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stupid Hallmark.

Not one of their cards is appropriate for this occasion.

Long ago we came up with the idea of starting a line of greeting-cards for people in unconventional situations like ours. Now, more than ever, is when we'd be raking in the dough. (Chloe, by the way, is an amazing fount of business ideas for untapped niche markets.)

Of course, Hallmark also doesn't make cards that convey other sentiments that would be useful right now: "Bummer about all the work you're going to have to do this week. I love you and will make it worth your while!" Or, "When you have a low-grade fever and would rather be anywhere but the office, remember you are loved." How about: "There's nothing a lame ex-spouse can throw at you that can't be deflected by a martini!" Or maybe: "Tax time is just another good reason for happy hour!"

But, I'll manage without a pre-boughten card, and just tell both my Valentines: I am enormously grateful for you, and my love and desire and affection and joy have no bounds.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One day.

One day I will wear a ring that is matched by one on Chloe's finger.

(Remember I said I wished I could decorate each of my loves discreetly? I did that at Christmas, actually. No one has commented on how Chloe's necklace and my earrings and Red's keychain are of the same design. Probably no one has noticed. Maybe my sister, but now that I've come out to her, she probably just hasn't bothered to mention it. You'd have to be paying attention, and be fairly close to my ears, to put three and three together. We have fantasized about getting rings, though, that would be unmistakably identical, fashioned after the one Red wears now. At the office this would be enormously awkward. But somewhere down the road it will happen, regardless.)

One day I will take both of them with me to every "spouse-included" event I attend.

(Back when we were almost brand-new, I took them both to a reunion -- thousands of miles away, where barely anyone still knew me well, and they hadn't ever met Red, so me bringing both my husband and my best friend didn't really raise any eyebrows. But I want it to be the norm, for me to show up with plus-two instead of plus-one; if it's a doctor setting where that simply isn't acceptable, I will decline. So far I'm still feeling the pressure to be "normal", because doctors in this community Just Don't Do That. But sometime in our future, I will eliminate the occasions to leave Chloe behind.)

One day I will be fearless.

(Because the fear of losing the Trifecta will outweigh the fear of disapproval. Or, more positively, the strength of the Trifecta will overcome any risk I perceive. Although Red's position is fairly high-up, and his workplace is a pretty conservative one, he's probably safe professionally, even if we were to be discovered. But until his children are out of the nest, discovery could provoke a legal and emotional catastrophe. Meanwhile, as long as Chloe and I work together, neither of us can afford discovery. Happily, she is likely to find a better situation sooner or later, and that pressure will ease. Still, though, people just don't want to think of an authority figure -- which I am to some degree, even though I don't want to be -- as someone THIS unconventional. But somewhere in the time to come, I will cease to care.)

One day I will arrange my work and my life such that we are comfortable, and when all this discretion is no longer needed, I will show my love so vividly, you'll have to stand back and gape. Watch me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

...on coming out.

As I sit here writing a long-overdue thank you card to Red's mom & dad for their holiday hospitality, it occurs to me how cathartic "coming out" really is.

People expect heterosexuals.  People have even come to expect homosexuals.  People do NOT expect...this.

There are so many difficult conversations in life, but I would've never predicted just how difficult this one would be.  I tried so many times to tell my mom about the Trifecta, to no avail.  I have considered tackling it with my daughter (who, at almost 19 years old, is certainly at least capable of understanding), but the right time has never presented itself.  Then I admittedly took the coward's way out by having "the talk" with my favorite Aunt via email.   Email!

Red had the talk with his mom on the phone pro-actively in advance of their Thanksgiving visit, and Missy (brave soul) told her sister over dinner?  Wow.  Each time one of us comes out to someone, it feels like a small victory for our team.  It draws us out from the cold, dark shadows into the buttery-warm glow of the sunshine.  It lends some sort of reality to the silly fantasy that has somehow evolved into this LIFE we share together.

Each time someone new knows, I feel like an elephant-sized weight has been lifted from my chest - like I can breathe again, when I never realized my breathing was restricted to begin with.

It makes me marvel at how incredibly liberating it will feel when there is no pretending, no acting, no hiding...

Friday, February 4, 2011


I am lucky. Maybe not the luckiest of all men, but fortune has for the most part smiled upon me. I sleep with two incredible women on a regular basis. *blush* Not every night. Not even most nights. Not as much as any of us three would want. There is an ex-wife, a separated husband, and daughters, all of whom should not know. There are credit problems. There is child support. And other real-life stressors. Simplicity, my life is not.

But the love among us three is qualitatively different from couple-love. It circulates and flows in soul-baring dynamicity. It exposes all your flaws and carries you past lovely and dangerous emotional seascapes. It can give exhilirating confidence, or it can rip at your insecurities. And lying or deception? Impossible. One or the other will detect your BS in a hot moment. This love is not for the faint of heart.

Trifecta love is transforming me. I do not know into what. Maybe transforming is what I am now. I was a planner, now I live in the moment. I used to care about politics, sports, the news of the day. I used to feel more or less secure. I was a smarty-pants know it all, clever boy. Now I live for these women and our future together. I take nothing for granted. I am grateful for my job, for my house, for my kids. I am grateful most of all for Missy and Chloe. I know all of it could be gone in an instant. I know that I know far less than I had thought. I will be with them again soon--a few hours now--and everything else will melt away into the background and I will have bliss again. A time out of time, all too brief before reality crashes down again. One day I hope real life and trifecta life will be not so far apart and the burdens of secrecy will be gone. I am working for that future.

...and I would choose this path every time, though I know not where it leads.

I am coming to you soon, my loves!
