Monday, August 29, 2011

Mother******* Nature.

Recently we went on an epic roadtrip. We had kids with us and visited Red's parents, but along the way we got a few nights of Trifecta-only time. It was bliss.

But I have to say, Mother Nature can be a bitch.

The first half of the trip, I was menstruating. The second half, Chloe was menstruating. WTF?? It was quite a parade to rain on. Happily, none of us is particularly squeamish about that sort of thing, but nonetheless the whole phenomenon tends to render each of us girls crampy and cranky and generally uncomfortable.

Then again ... we got up above 9,000 feet one day toward the end, looking around at the mountains (still with snow on them!), the lake, the wildlife, the shockingly blue sky ... and I thought: okay, Mother. I guess you dish out the beauty and the beastliness both. I'll take that.